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Henny Donovan Motif

Wild Teasel Stencil

Wild Teasel Stencil

Regular price £68.00
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1 sheet intricate stencil

The stunning Wild Teasels Stencil is a delicately cut, intricate design, with each teasel spike creating the perfectly formed elegant thistle-like heads, on two separate stalks. Use this exquisite stencil for sophisticated contemporary design notes in living spaces, halls, stairways and as feature panels and fabric drops.  Also available as the Large Wild Teasesl Stencil and made to order Giant Wild Teasel Stencil 1 and Giant Wild Teasel Stencil 2.

The Wild Teasel Stencil is a single sheet one layer stencil of two intricate teasel heads and stems. See Size Specifications below.  See Tips for Stencilling below.

Stencil in natural tones of ochre, brown, green or soft purple and lavender, or in light 'silhouette' colours on darker contrasting backgrounds.

Above top - detail of the Wild Teasels Stencil on a pale grey background, stencilled in Latte, Mocha and Coffee Bean Stencil Paints.The Wld Teasels Stencil in Ice White and Harvest Gold Stencil Paints on a black background. The Wild Teasels Stencil repeated across a background in alternating colours of two tones of grey, stencilled in Ice White and Butterscotch Stencil paint.

See our other Wild Teasels and Grasses Stencils:

The Wild Grasses Stencil Range from Henny Donovan comprises a set of graceful designs chosen for their elegance and delicacy and instant appeal for contemporary decorating. Use the different designs in combination or on their own to create beautiful wild grass murals and effects.

Large Wild Teasels Stencil
Oversize Wild Oat Grass Stencil
Large Wild Oat Grass Stencil
Large Slender Oat Grass Stencil
Large Wild Rye Grass Stencil
Large Wild Meadow Grass Stencil

Use our Stencil Rollers and Stencil Sponges for ease of application.

The Wild Teasel Stencil in French Lavender, Olive Grove and Woodland Stencil Paints. The Wild Teasel Stencil on a pale grey background, stencilled in Chocolat, Mocha and Sienna Stencil Paint. Above - detail of the Wild Teasel Stencil in China Blue, Larkspur, Eucalyptus and Emrald Forest Stencil Paint. Above - detail of the Wild Teasels Stencil in French Lavender, Agapanthus Stencil Paints on a pale lilac background. The Wild Teasels Stencil repeated on a dark lavender background, stencilled in French Lavender and Forget-me-not Stencil Paint. The Wild Teasels Stencil repeated in a regular pattern and stencilled in French Lavender, Agapanthus, Woodland and Hedgerow Stencil paints.

Product Specifications

This single sheet one layer stencil is made of 125 micron mylar.

The overall size of the Wild Teasel motif (includes both flowers) is approximately 54cm (21") deep x 24cm (9 1/2") across at widest points.

The larger teasel head is approximately 22cm (12") deep x 19cm (11") wide; the smaller teasel head up to 12cm (4 1/2") x 11cm (4 1/4") wide. Sheet size 60cm (23 3/4") deep x 30cm (11 3/4") wide.

Left - the layout of the Wild Teasels Stencil.

Tips for Stencilling

This very delicate and finely/intricately cut stencil requires gentle stencilling. Stencil teasel heads with a nearly dry Stencil Sponge to prevent any bleeding, making sure you carefully work the paint into the slender teasel spikes. Avoid using too much paint to prevent paint build up and clogging the delicate stencil shapes. Gently wipe over slender teasel spikes with a stencil sponge during use to remove excess paint.

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